by Lisa
Testimonials & Feedback
Shiva (male) and Shakti (female) Feedback

Rosie - Shakti
Awakenings & Honouring the Divine Feminine Massage Sessions
“I had been feeling called to embark on a journey into my body to unearth what was wanting to be shared from deep within. I embarked on a search to find the right practitioner fit for me. I immediately felt alignment with Lisa’s presence and offering which was confirmed on our discovery call and I committed to booking each of Lisa’s offerings in sequence.
Right from our first exchange I knew I was in safe hands. I felt held in safety and nurtured in a way that until this experience with Lisa I did not know was available. I’ve had yoni massages before but this went beyond the physical body. In the ritual Lisa created I felt seen in a unique way. It felt like the most wholesome, innocent and appropriate experience to be held in reverence and touched in a deeply nourishing, non-sexual way by a wisdom carrier. I came away with a feeling that all women need a safe container like this. It felt ancient, deeply healing and releasing, restorative, enlivening and supremely empowering. As a person who’s been on a spiritual quest for 35 years this ranks highly amongst my most transformative experiences. I left feeling connected with myself and gentle, carrying a deeper knowing, feeling affirmed to trust my body to guide me.
It cemented my curiosity about the wisdom we hold in our bodies as women and confirmed my desire to train and offer this type of experience to women professionally. Thank you Lisa for the supportive container and touch that brought clarity and initiated me onto a new journey in my life.”

Mark - Shiva
Awakenings, Awakening the Senses & Honouring the Divine Masculine Massage Sessions
“There were a number of reasons for me starting to work with Lisa. I’m a 60 year old man living with Parkinson’s disease, and so much of the time I’m in pain and discomfort. Lisa’s sessions offered me some very welcome relief from these symptoms.
I worked with Lisa for two years, with regular appointments twice a month. The space Lisa works from is incredibly relaxing and welcoming.
My journey started with the Awakenings Massage, which I loved so much, that’s what we did for much of our time together.
Lisa also guided me into the beauty of working with and understanding my energy and self pleasure. She also offered me Chakra massage, Lingam massage, four handed and Quodosha massage, which were all really great too.
Lisa’s touch is so intuitive as well as being beautiful. I always felt safe. Although we investigated my edges, Lisa never did anything that I was uncomfortable with. She is a massive fan - and rightly so - of consent and boundaries, which I truly valued.
I also suffer from intimacy issues and have done all my adult life. The connection, intimacy and support that Lisa gave me was so welcome and I’ve been able to carry the lessons forward into my every day life. We also had a lot of fun and laughed a lot together in my sessions.
As well as enjoying the massage, I also really enjoyed and valued Lisa’s counsel and wise words. For two years, Lisa has been the most incredible teacher and life coach for me. She is very generous with her time and knowledge.
I believe we know each other well after so long working together, which really allowed me and us both to access deeper levels of intimacy and connection together.
Finally I didn’t realise how affected I was by grief and trauma, not least as a result of being sexually abused as a young boy.
Lisa helped me to come to terms with this as we tenderly and gently worked through it together. With one of my sessions being dedicated to Lisa holding me a deeply beautiful and profound grief ritual for me. This allowed me to access more of the memories from my trauma then ever before, but in a very gentle, loving, tender and well held way.
I highly recommend working with Lisa, as the work we did together was the first step in me completely transforming my life”.

Danni - Shakti
Awakenings Massage Sessions
"Lisa was recommended to me by a trusted friend. I was struggling after having been raped whilst also trying to deal with a historic rape from 20 years ago. I had talking therapy which was great but I knew I needed to heal in my body. I didn't know what that would look like but I knew I needed support.
I spoke with Lisa on the phone and intuitively knew that I could trust her and it felt right. I had a number of sessions with Lisa and I find it quite hard to put into words what the experience was like! I felt safe and deeply held and listened to and supported to start to face the horrific trauma of what has happened to me.
Lisa held me physically and emotionally whilst I bravely faced this. It was the time for me to heal this and to give back the shame that I have carried for so long. I screamed, I cried and I laughed too as she helped me to remember the truth of who I am. To reclaim my body through safe and loving touch was so important and powerful for me. I am so grateful to have found her.
Ram Dass said "We are all walking each other home" and I am so thankful that the universe gave me Lisa to hold me whilst I went through this very difficult time. I feel like I have healed so much from the experience with her. I still live with the memory and the violation of being raped but I have reclaimed myself and it is not the truth of me, it does not control me any more. She helped me remember. Thanks Lisa I love you!"

JH - Shakti Learning for your Lover Session
“I approached Lisa because I feel she really embodies her practice and radiates a beautiful feminine conscious energy. I wanted to learn more about tantric massage in a practical setting, as a sensual experience and to also get to know myself better. Lisa structured and held the session so well. The room was warm and Lisa chose the shiva model really well, which made me feel comfortable.
The techniques and slowness Lisa shared really resonated with me. The day did bring up some stuff emotionally, as tantra goes much deeper than just massage. .
A day together was a beautiful luxury and felt a good amount of time for some of the approaches to seep into my muscle memory and consciousness. Lisa made sure she went at my pace at all times and checked in with me throughout. Felt like a delicious treat on a rainy Sunday.”

Awakenings Massage Session
"I needed a deep-rooted part of my essence awakening/clearing. I didn't know what it was, I just knew I could not move forward until I had closure. Lisa was sent as my guide. I needed this to be a spiritual experience, a release of the "something" blocking my path and halting my journey. Lisa's aura told me she was the one to help.
The space Lisa made for me was welcoming, the understanding of what I needed was reassuring. I was at ease from the moment I arrived. After discussion and boundary setting, Lisa guided me to a place I did not know existed within me. A place where I was made to feel special. A place where I was celebrated for being me. I experienced a wide range of emotions. It was a heady, delicious, sensory overload. The experience melted away barriers and inhibition, and my journey was allowed to continue.
I highly recommend Lisa to anyone who need to experience true tantric awakening and spiritual healing"

AR - ShaktiAwakenings Massage Session
“Lisa’s sacred space and holding, allowed me just to be and release, which is definitely what I was needing from a strong, loving, beautiful Goddess and soul sister. I needed the Goddess/Mother/Feminine embrace, caressing and deep connection, which Lisa gave me.
If all women could have what Lisa gave to me, it would be such an honour and beautiful deep spiritual connection for true love and sisterhood.”

Dave - Shiva
Awakenings Massage Sessions
"Lisa is the real deal. She welcomed me into a beautiful loving, space with deep care and beautifully clear boundaries, and from start to finish made every aspect of me feel deeply accepted and honoured.
In particular, the way she responded to the parts of me I usually keep hidden - welcoming what was authentic with uncomplicated strength and love - was deeply healing, and allowed me to release a whole load of stuckness and shame. The whole experience was sacred, both powerful and calming - I cannot recommend her enough".

CD - Shakti
Awakenings Massage Session
“I had not had a Tantric massage for many years until I met Lisa. She is so calming in her approach and really puts you at ease. She is very thorough in her explanations of what it is (and what it is not) she will be doing. I had struggled for many years with my trauma and for the first time in years after my session with her I felt at peace. Her loving nature really does set the space for a very warm and welcoming environment that feels safe. She coached me through the emotions I was feeling and went through over the session and didn’t make me feel silly for becoming very emotional. Thank you so much x”

Lisa - Shakti
Couples Intimacy Coaching Sessions
"I have mixed feelings when I reflect back on our intimacy sessions with Lisa. I have had lots of coaching and mentoring sessions which I love and am always eager to explore my own core beliefs and see how I tick. Doing this with my partner present with the focus on the dynamics and interactions as a couple was a whole new experience. It asks for complete vulnerability and trust.
Lisa held a beautiful, sacred, safe, loving space for us to begin sharing any barriers we felt we had to intimacy with each other. This is the part that felt hard for me, but because we were guided on how to speak, to fully listen and engage with each other from the heart, while always honoring our own sovereignty. I experienced the most deep healing of myself and the energy between us as a couple. The yummy time spent in easy, simple tantric practices always sent us home with a renewed perspective on our relationship and our connection as beings of light connected on a soul level.
Lisa embodies the sacred masculine and feminine and knows just how to bring it forth in herself and therefore in the couples she works with in sacred union."

Paul - Shiva
Couples Intimacy Coaching Sessions
"The warmth of Lisa's greetings alone shows her sincerity and genuineness and put one at ease. My partner and I enjoy bonding with each other, sharing gratitude for each other. Lisa holds the space so we can explore our barriers and work through them. It is lovely to have Lisa sharing our journey,"

C - Shakti
Awakenings Massage Session
“I had been going through some difficult life events and had spoken with Lisa about these issues I was facing. She felt that my masculine was overriding my feminine and that I really could start to embrace my feminine. Lisa then put together a whole session surrounding this aspect. The session was amazing and so positive, it was warm and welcoming and safe for me to be able to relax and be at ease.”